LD 1417
pg. 16
Page 15 of 16 An Act To Make Changes to the Laws Governing Aquaculture Leasing LD 1417 Title Page
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LR 1908
Item 1

17. It creates a new section that outlines the role of
municipalities in the review and issuance of limited-purpose
aquaculture leases, including preapplication meetings,
submission of comments to the Department of Marine Resources on
all decision criteria and establishing conditions on leases.
This new section contains provisions already located in other
relevant laws that are included here for clarity as well as new
provisions that expand the scope of municipal participation in
the leasing of state waters. This section also clarifies that
the issuance of a mooring permit by a municipality is not
preempted by the Commissioner of Marine Resources' exclusive
authority to grant aquaculture leases.

18. It changes language on notification concerning the
issuance of limited-purpose aquaculture leases are notified.
The requirement to record the lease in the registry of deeds
and publish notice in the paper is removed, and a requirement
that the Department of Marine Resources notify riparian
landowners, interested persons and the municipality is added.

19. It repeals the existing language on monitoring limited-
purpose aquaculture leases.

20. It amends the existing language on monitoring limited-
purpose aquaculture to allow the Commissioner of Marine
Resources discretion in when to initiate revocation

21. It adds the United States Department of Agriculture to
the list of federal agencies permitted to use confidential
data submitted by lease holders at the direction of the
Commissioner of Marine Resources.

22. It authorizes a dedicated fund that will receive fees
from both finfish and shellfish growers in order to fund
monitoring, research and development of marine aquaculture.
These fees will be determined by rulemaking by the Department
of Marine Resources and are derived from the weight of
harvested fish, application fees and lease rents.

23. It renames the Maine Salmon Aquaculture Advisory
Council the Aquaculture Advisory Council and alters its
membership to include members from both shellfish and finfish

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