LD 1574
pg. 35
Page 34 of 42 An Act To Make Additional Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the E... Page 36 of 42
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LR 2088
Item 1

Sec. E-6. Mental Retardation Services - Community; lapsed balances.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, $28,823 of the
encumbered balance forward in fiscal year 2002-03 in the Mental
Retardation Services - Community, General Fund account in the
Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services will be
disencumbered and this amount lapses to the General Fund in
fiscal year 2002-03.

Sec. E-7. Office of Substance Abuse; lapsed balances. Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, $31,700 of the encumbered balance forward
in fiscal year 2002-03 in the Office of Substance Abuse, General
Fund account in the Department of Behavioral and Developmental
Services will be disencumbered and this amount lapses to the
General Fund in fiscal year 2002-03.


Sec. F-1. Maine Emergency Management Agency - Emergency Response Operations
account; transfer of funds. Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
on June 30, 2003 the State Controller shall transfer $48,052 from
the Maine Emergency Management Agency - Emergency Operations,
Other Special Revenue Funds account in the Department of Defense,
Veterans and Emergency Management to the unappropriated surplus
of the General Fund.


Sec. G-1. General Purpose Aid for Local Schools; lapsed balances.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, $600,000 of
unencumbered balance forward in fiscal year 2002-03, from savings
in the English as a Second Language category, in the General
Purpose Aid for Local Schools, General Fund account in the
Department of Education lapses to the General Fund in fiscal year


Sec. H-1. Public Health Laboratory; transfer of funds. Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, the State Controller shall transfer
$100,000 from the Public Health Laboratory, Other Special Revenue
Funds account in the Department of Human Services to the
unappropriated surplus of the General Fund no later than June 30,

Sec. H-2. Control Over Plumbing; transfer of funds. Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, the State Controller shall transfer
$100,000 from the Control Over Plumbing, Other

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