LD 1688
pg. 4
Page 3 of 6 An Act To Clarify the Law Regarding Interpreting Services for People Who Are De... Page 5 of 6
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LR 2490
Item 1

the court shall provide interpreting services or CART in accordance
with this section to allow for effective consultation between the
attorney and client.__Interpreting services or CART must be paid
for directly by the court and is not the responsibility of the

The Department of Labor, Bureau of Rehabilitation Services shall
maintain a legal interpreting fund, which must be available to
reimburse private attorneys and advocates for the cost of
interpreting services or CART that assists the attorney or
advocate in effectively representing clients who are deaf or
hard-of-hearing.__This fund may not be used to cover interpreting
services or CART for actual proceedings pursuant to subsection 2,
paragraph A.

5.__Privileged communication.__Except when a court in the
exercise of sound discretion determines the disclosure necessary
to the proper administration of justice, a privileged interpreter
may not disclose any aspect of a confidential communication
facilitated by that interpreter unless all clients of the
privileged interpreter privy to that communication consent to the

6. Oath.__Every appointed interpreter shall, before performing
the interpreter's duties, take an oath that the interpreter will
make a true interpretation in an understandable manner to the
person for whom the interpreter is appointed, and that the
interpreter will repeat the statements of the person in the
English language to the best of the interpreter's skill and

7.__Provide information.__The Department of Labor, Bureau of
Rehabilitation Services, Division of Deafness shall provide
information to the public, including state agencies and
individuals who work with interpreters, regarding the licensure
requirements provided under Title 32, section 1524-C.

Sec. 3. 32 MRSA §1523, as amended by PL 1999, c. 399, §9 and
affected by §20, is further amended to read:

§1523. Privileged communication

Individuals licensed under this chapter are included under the
evidentiary communications privilege outlined in Title 5, section
48 48-A, subsection 4 5.

Sec. 4. 32 MRSA §1524-C is enacted to read:

§1524-C.__Qualifications to interpret in legal settings

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