LD 1851
pg. 5
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LR 2675
Item 1

7.__Determination of parentage.__"Determination of parentage"
means the establishment of the parent-child relationship by the
signing of a valid acknowledgment of paternity under subchapter 3
or adjudication by the court.

8.__Donor.__"Donor" means an individual who produces eggs or
sperm used for assisted reproduction, whether or not for
consideration. "Donor" does not mean:

A.__A husband who provides sperm, or a wife who provides
eggs, to be used for assisted reproduction by the wife;

B.__A woman who gives birth to a child by means of assisted
reproduction, except as otherwise provided in subchapter 8;

C.__A parent under subchapter 7 or an intended parent under
subchapter 8.

9.__Ethnic or racial group.__"Ethnic or racial group" means,
for purposes of genetic testing, a recognized group that an
individual identifies as all or part of the individual's ancestry
or that is so identified by other information.

10.__Genetic testing.__"Genetic testing" means an analysis of
genetic markers to exclude or identify a man as the father or a
woman as the mother of a child. "Genetic testing" includes an
analysis of one or a combination of the following:

A.__Deoxyribonucleic acid; and

B.__Blood group antigens, red cell antigens, human leukocyte
antigens, serum enzymes, serum proteins or red cell enzymes.

11.__Gestational mother.__"Gestational mother" means an adult
woman who gives birth to a child under a gestational agreement.

12.__Man.__"Man" means a male individual of any age.

13.__Parent.__"Parent" means an individual who has established
a parent-child relationship under section 1841.

14.__Parent-child relationship.__"Parent-child relationship"
means the legal relationship between a child and a parent of the
child as established under section 1841.

15.__Paternity index.__"Paternity index" means the likelihood
of paternity calculated by computing the ratio between:

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