LD 1855
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LR 2680
Item 1

1-A.__A person is guilty of sexual misconduct with a child under
12 years of age if that person, having in fact attained 18 years of
age, knowingly displays any sexually explicit materials to another
person, not the actor's spouse, who has not in fact attained 12
years of age, with the intent to encourage the other person to
engage in a sexual act or sexual contact.__Violation of this
subsection is a Class C crime.

Sec. A-15. 17-A MRSA §258, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 143, §1,
is repealed.

Sec. A-16. 17-A MRSA §259, sub-§1-A, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 383,
§25 and affected by §156, is amended to read:

1-A. A person is guilty of soliciting a child by a computer
to commit a prohibited act if:

A. The actor:

(1) Uses a computer knowingly to solicit, entice,
persuade or compel another person to meet with the

(2) Is at least 16 years of age;

(3) Knows or believes that the other person is less
than 14 years of age; and

(4) Is at least 3 years older than the expressed age
of the other person; and

B. The actor has the intent to engage in any one of the
following prohibited acts with the other person:

(1) A sexual act as defined in section 251, subsection
1, paragraph C;

(2) Sexual contact as defined in section 251,
subsection 1, paragraph D; or

(3) Sexual exploitation of a minor pursuant to Title
17, section 2922.

Violation of this subsection is a Class D crime.

Sec. A-17. 17-A MRSA §259, sub-§1-B is enacted to read:

1-B.__A person is guilty of soliciting a child by a computer
to commit a prohibited act if:

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