LD 1920
pg. 107
Page 106 of 234 An Act To Revise the Fish and Wildlife Laws To Complement the Recodification of... Page 108 of 234
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LR 2679
Item 1

A. Alewives;

B. Eels;

C. Suckers;

D. Lampreys; or

E. Yellow perch.

Each day a person violates this subsection, that person commits a
Class E crime for which a minimum fine of $50 and an amount equal
to twice the applicable license fee must be imposed.

2.__Issuance.__The commissioner may adopt rules providing for
the issuance of permits to fish for or possess the following fish
using the following harvesting methods in the inland waters of
the State, provided the permits do not interfere with any rights
granted under section 6131:

A.__Eels using eel pots or weirs;

B.__Suckers and yellow perch using trap nets, dip nets or

C.__Lampreys by hand or using hand-held dip nets; and

D.__Alewives using trap nets, dip nets, spears or fish

The commissioner may place conditions on the use of gear allowed
under this subsection and may prohibit or restrict the use of any
gear used to concentrate species for harvest under this

Each day a person violates a condition or restriction placed on
the use of gear allowed under this subsection, that person
commits a Class E crime.

3.__Fees; transfer of permit. The minimum fee for an
individual permit for alewives, suckers, lampreys and yellow
perch is $42.__A crew permit may be sold for alewives, suckers,
lampreys and yellow perch for $100, authorizing up to 3 persons
to engage in the permitted activity.__The annual fee for an eel
pot or weir permit is $100.__An eel pot or eel weir permit is not

4.__Five-year limited entry; eel weirs.__A person is
ineligible to receive an eel weir permit unless that person
possessed a valid eel weir permit for calendar year 1995.__The
department shall adopt routine technical rules pursuant to Title

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