LD 1920
pg. 108
Page 107 of 234 An Act To Revise the Fish and Wildlife Laws To Complement the Recodification of... Page 109 of 234
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LR 2679
Item 1

5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A regarding the issuance of eel weir
permits.__The number of weirs and the number of square miles of
watersheds in this State fished by eel weirs can be no more than
those permitted in calendar year 1995.

5.__Exception to permit requirement.__Notwithstanding
subsection 1:

A.__A person may fish for alewives by use of a dip net or
single hook and line for consumption by that person or
members of that person's family, provided that the person
takes or possesses no more than one bushel in any day and
provided also that the alewives are not taken from any
waters in which a municipality or other person has been
granted exclusive rights under section 6131;

C.__A person may fish for or possess alewives from inland
waters if that person has been granted fishing rights under
section 6131; and

D.__A person may take suckers for use as bait for fishing in
inland waters as provided in section 12551-A without a
permit under subsection 2.

6.__Eels and elvers prohibitions.__The following prohibitions
apply to the harvesting of eels and elvers in inland waters.

A.__A person may not fish for or take elvers from inland

B.__A person other than the owner of a weir used to fish for
or take eels in inland waters may not tend that weir while
the weir is immersed unless that person has in the person's
possession written permission from the owner to tend the
weir or is in the presence of the owner and has the owner's
permission to tend the weir.

A person who violates this subsection commits a Class E crime.

7. Other harvesting methods for suckers.__Notwithstanding
subsection 1, a person licensed or otherwise entitled to fish in
Maine waters may take suckers for that person's use in all
rivers, brooks and streams that are open to fishing between April
1st and June 30th of each calendar year by the use of a hand
spear, by bow and arrow or by snagging.

A.__A person may not use a bow and arrow to harvest suckers
unless the arrow used has a barbed or pronged point and the
arrow is attached to the bow with a line.

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