LD 1920
pg. 14
Page 13 of 234 An Act To Revise the Fish and Wildlife Laws To Complement the Recodification of... Page 15 of 234
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LR 2679
Item 1

(7)__One representative of a northern Maine sportsmen's

(8)__One representative of a southern Maine sportsmen's
organization; and

(9)__One representative of a statewide environmental
organization; and

D.__No more than 2 nonvoting, ad hoc members, who may be
appointed by the commissioner upon recommendation of the
advisory board.__These members must possess expertise or
knowledge of the advisory board's purpose and duties and may
not be affiliated with any organization or association
listed in this subsection.

2.__Terms.__Members of the advisory board, including the ad
hoc members, serve for 3 years, except that, initially, the first
3 landowner representative members appointed and the first 3 land
user representative members appointed serve 3 years; the next 3
landowner representative members appointed and the next 3 land
user representative members appointed serve 2 years; and the
remaining landowner and land user representative members
appointed serve for one year.__When a vacancy occurs, the
Governor shall fill the vacancy by appointing a member from the
same category as the member who vacated the advisory board and
that new member continues to serve for the remainder of the term.

3.__Chair; election of board officers.__The members of the
advisory board shall annually elect one of its members as chair
and one of its members as vice-chair.

4.__Quorum.__A majority of the advisory board members
representing landowners and a majority of the advisory board
members representing land users combined constitute a quorum.

5.__Staffing of advisory board.__The department shall provide
administrative and staff support to the advisory board.

6.__Meetings.__The advisory board shall hold quarterly
meetings each year.__Additional meetings may be held as necessary
to conduct the business of the advisory board.

7.__Duties.__The advisory board shall:

A.__Propose changes to or advise the commissioner on
landowner-related laws, rules, department policies and other
significant landowner and land user issues;

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