LD 1920
pg. 15
Page 14 of 234 An Act To Revise the Fish and Wildlife Laws To Complement the Recodification of... Page 16 of 234
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LR 2679
Item 1

B.__Review landowner-related policies and procedures,
conduct studies, evaluate programs and make recommendations
to the commissioner;

C.__Obtain public use of private and public land for
recreational activities by assisting with conflict
resolution as it pertains to public access issues on both
private and public lands and promote greater understanding
and cooperation between owners and users of these lands;

D.__Review and make recommendations regarding programs
administered by other agencies.__The commissioner shall
coordinate all reviews; and

E.__Conduct an organizational review of the advisory board
every 5 years. This review must be designed to provide the
information necessary to ascertain whether the advisory
board has the membership required by subsection 1 and the
advisory board is fulfilling its duties.__If the review
indicates that the advisory board does not have the correct
representational membership, a subcommittee of the members
of the advisory board must be convened to recommend to the
commissioner appropriate changes.__At any time, the advisory
board may recommend to the commissioner ways to improve the
advisory board's membership or function, and the
commissioner shall act upon those recommendations.

Sec. 37. 12 MRSA §10201, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A,
§2 and affected by Pt. D, §7, is amended to read:

1. Sale of publications. If the commissioner determines it
advisable for the more effective dissemination of factual
information, information of public interest or information
tending to promote better public relations, the commissioner may
fix the price, if any, of certain publications and materials of
the department and sell and deliver them. Publications and
materials included within this authority are all publications,
articles, biological and statistical data, professional and
technical service reports by departmental personnel and other
materials in the department's possession and pertaining to the
department, except publications of the laws in whatever form as
described in section 10103, subsection 7. These publications may
not carry any advertising of a political nature, but may carry
commercial advertising. The commissioner shall accept commercial
advertising in the department's general circulation magazine
entitled "Maine Fish and Wildlife" and any successor or similar
publication developed by the department.

The commissioner may sell or lease video tapes and audio
recordings, photographs or and negatives owned by the department

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