LD 1920
pg. 28
Page 27 of 234 An Act To Revise the Fish and Wildlife Laws To Complement the Recodification of... Page 29 of 234
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LR 2679
Item 1

A person may not fail to shall perform any act, duty or
obligation enjoined upon that person by this Part.

Sec. 72. 12 MRSA §10654, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2
and affected by Pt. D, §7, is repealed and the following enacted
in its place:

§10654.__Harassment of hunters, trappers and anglers

1.__Interference with taking.__A person may not intentionally
or knowingly interfere with the lawful hunting, fishing or
trapping of a wild animal, wild bird or fish.

A.__A person who violates this subsection commits a civil
violation for which a fine of not less than $100 nor more
than $500 may be adjudged.

B.__A person who violates this subsection after having been
adjudicated as having committed 3 or more civil violations
under this Part within the previous 5-year period commits a
Class E crime.

2.__Disturb or attempt to disturb.__A person may not
intentionally or knowingly disturb or attempt to disturb a wild
animal, wild bird or fish with the intent to interfere with the
hunting, fishing or trapping of a wild animal, wild bird or fish.

A.__A person who violates this subsection commits a civil
violation for which a fine of not less than $100 nor more
than $500 may be adjudged.

B. A person who violates this subsection after having been
adjudicated as having committed 3 or more civil violations
under this Part within the previous 5-year period commits a
Class E crime.

3.__Injunctions.__The District Court or Superior Court may
enjoin conduct that would be in violation of this section upon
petition by a person affected or who reasonably may be affected
by that conduct upon a showing that the conduct is threatened or
that it has occurred on particular premises in the past and that
it is not unreasonable to expect that under similar circumstances
it will be repeated.

4.__Property rights otherwise provided by law.__This section
does not limit ownership use, access or control of property
rights otherwise provided by law.

Sec. 73. 12 MRSA §10655, first ¶, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A,
§2 and affected by Pt. D, §7, is amended to read:

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