LD 1957
pg. 12
Page 11 of 13 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Committee To Study Compliance wi... Page 13 of 13
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LR 2823
Item 1

New language is added to clarify that the agency or official
must provide the public record requested within a reasonable
period of time after the request. Many factors may affect the
amount of time necessary to produce the record for inspection or
a copy of the record, including the complexity of the request,
the type of record sought and the resources of the agency to
store and retrieve public records. In all cases, however, a copy
of the public record must be provided or the public record itself
must be provided for inspection within a reasonable period of
time after the request, taking all appropriate factors into

As provided in current law, inspection, copying and
translation into usable form may be scheduled to occur when the
regular activities of the agency or official will not be delayed
or inconvenienced.

Current law concerning translating records into a form usable
by the requester is retained and clarified. The agency or
official may require payment in advance of the costs of
translation under certain circumstances.

This bill addresses the fees that may be charged for
fulfilling a request for public records, including copying costs
as well as fees for searching for and retrieving records. These
provisions apply unless another law or court order applies to the
fees that may be charged for that request. The law is clarified
to provide that only a reasonable fee may be charged for copies
of public records. The issue of whether to cap copying fees is
added to the duties of the Committee to Study Compliance with
Maine's Freedom of Access Laws, which this bill extends for an
additional year.

New to the law are provisions governing the recoupment of
costs of searching for, retrieving and compiling records to
satisfy a request. After the first hour of staff time to search
for, retrieve and compile records, the agency or official may
charge up to $10 per hour for such staff services for each
request. Compiling a public record includes reviewing the record
and redacting confidential information.

An agency providing copies is not required to charge copying
costs. An agency that does charge for copies may waive all or
part of the regular charge if the requester is indigent or if
release of the record is not primarily in the commercial interest
of the requester and the release is in the public interest
because it is likely to contribute significantly to public
understanding of the operations or activities of government.
This waiver standard is modeled on the waiver standard that is
part of the federal Freedom of Information Act.

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