LD 1957
pg. 13
Page 12 of 13 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Committee To Study Compliance wi... LD 1957 Title Page
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LR 2823
Item 1

3. There are many statutes that except from the definition of
"public records" specific records created, received or maintained
by governmental entities. This bill requires the Office of
Policy and Legal Analysis and the Office of the Revisor of
Statutes to produce a bill that lists in the freedom of access
laws all the public records exceptions that exist in the Maine
Revised Statutes.

This bill requires that provisions excepting records from the
definition of "public records" be reviewed to determine if the
exceptions should be continued, modified or repealed. A cyclical
review process is established for a legislative review committee,
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over judiciary matters, to review and evaluate all
the identified exceptions at least once every 10 years. Criteria
are established for the review and evaluation. The legislative
committees of jurisdiction will have an opportunity to
participate in the review and evaluation process. The review
committee is authorized to report out legislation that carries
out the review committee's recommendations to continue, modify or
repeal each exception reviewed and evaluated.

4. Resolve 2003, chapter 83 is amended to extend the
reporting date of the Committee to Study Compliance with Maine's
Freedom of Access Laws to November 3, 2004. Four additional
meetings are authorized. The unexpended balance of the money
originally appropriated for the study committee will be used to
fund the completion of the study. The duties of the study
committee are expanded to include several issues identified by
the study committee. The issue of whether public employees' home
contact information should be kept confidential, as proposed by
Legislative Document 1727, is added as an issue for the study
committee to review.


(See attached)

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