LD 1957
pg. 8
Page 7 of 13 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Committee To Study Compliance wi... Page 9 of 13
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LR 2823
Item 1

3.__Report.__The review committee shall report its findings
and recommendations on whether the proposed exception should be
enacted to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over the proposal.

Sec. 4. 29-A MRSA §2251, sub-§7, as amended by PL 2003, c. 434, §27
and affected by §37, is further amended to read:

7. Report information. An accident report made by an
investigating officer or a 48-hour report made by an operator as
required by former subsection 5 is for the purposes of
statistical analysis and accident prevention.

A report or statement contained in the accident report, or a 48-
hour report as required by former subsection 5, a statement made
or testimony taken at a hearing before the Secretary of State
held under section 2483, or a decision made as a result of that
report, statement or testimony may not be admitted in evidence in
any trial, civil or criminal, arising out of the accident.

A report may be admissible in evidence solely to prove compliance
with this section.

The Chief of the State Police may disclose the date, time and
location of the accident and the names and addresses of
operators, owners, injured persons, witnesses and the
investigating officer. On written request, the chief may furnish
a photocopy of the investigating officer's report at the expense
of the person making the request. The cost of furnishing a copy
of the report is not subject to the limitations of Title 1,
section 408, subsection 3.

Sec. 5. Resolve 2003, c. 83, §4 is amended to read:

*Sec. 4. Committee duties. Resolved: That the committee shall meet a
total of not more than 4 8 times to study state and local
governmental compliance with Maine's freedom of access laws and
other issues relating to citizens' access to public records and
public proceedings. In examining these issues, the committee

1. Review and analyze the Report on Public Records Audit,
prepared by the Maine Freedom of Information Coalition in
November 2002, and the recommendations made in the report;

2. Study what measures, if any, state and local governmental
entities in Maine and in other states have taken to

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