LD 1857
pg. 13
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LR 2749
Item 1

Whenever practicable, the harbor master shall assign mooring
privileges in those waters where individuals own the shore rights
to a parcel of land, are masters or owners of a boat or vessel and
are complainants, and shall locate suitable mooring privileges
therefor for boats and vessels, temporarily or permanently, as the
case may be, fronting their land, if so requested, but not to
encroach upon the natural channel or channels established by
municipal officers; provided that not more than one mooring may be
assigned to any shore-front shorefront parcel of land under this
privilege. Notwithstanding section 11, persons who, prior to
January 1, 1987, owned shore rights of at least 100 feet of
frontage regardless of the size of the lot shall have mooring
privileges assigned according to this section. The limitation of
one mooring assigned under this privilege shall does not prevent
the owner of a shore-front shorefront parcel from receiving
additional mooring assignments under the allocation system for all
other residents.

A harbor master may refuse to assign mooring privileges to any
vessel or boat owner or master who has not paid any fee, charge
for services, forfeiture or penalty levied pursuant to this

Municipalities may not charge mooring fees for and do not have
jurisdiction over the siting or specifications of structural
moorings used to secure aquaculture equipment within the
boundaries of a lease site when that site's lease is issued
pursuant to Title 12, section 6072, 6072-A or 6072-B.

Municipalities have jurisdiction over boat and vessel moorings
within the boundaries of a lease site when that site's lease is
issued pursuant to Title 12, section 6072, 6072-A or 6072-B.__A
municipality may not charge a mooring fee for a boat or vessel
within the boundaries of a lease that is inconsistent with that
municipality's other mooring fees for commercial vessels.


Sec. B-1. Bay management study. The Land and Water Resources Council
established in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 3331,
referred to in this Part as "the council," shall undertake a
study of bay management. The intent of this study is to explore
and document potential new and innovative concepts for the
management of Maine's embayments through a 2-year pilot

Sec. B-2. Study oversight. The council shall begin the study no later
than September 1, 2004. The study must be carried

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