LD 1857
pg. 14
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LR 2749
Item 1

out under the direction of the council with work performed by an
interagency staff work group with input from a project steering
committee. The project steering committee must include members
of the public with expertise in relevant fields of interest such
as marine resources, fisheries, natural resource conservation,
aquaculture, economic development, planning, tourism and marine
recreation uses.

Sec. B-3. Staffing assistance; technical assistance. The Executive Department,
State Planning Office and the Department of Marine Resources
shall provide staff services to the council. The council may
also seek or contract for technical assistance from any other
agency or institution and any individual or group that it
determines appropriate to support the study.

Sec. B-4. Issues to be considered. In developing its recommendations on
bay management, the council shall:

1. Establish definitions, principles, goals and objectives
for bay management in the State;

2. Drawing on national and international examples, define a
range of approaches for bay management that is feasible for use
in Maine;

3. Establish clear criteria and standards for bay management,
including guidelines to inform voluntary planning efforts by
citizen groups;

4. Identify data and information needs, mapping needs and
information transfer needs for bay management;

5. Identify authorities that govern near-shore waters and
identify changes needed to regulatory structures, including but
not limited to statutes, regulations and grant programs;

6. Identify opportunities to create limited local authority
for bay management; and

7. Identify state, local and volunteer resources and capacity
needed for bay management.

Sec. B-5. Pilot projects. The council shall create one or more pilot
projects of limited duration in a representative region or
regions of the State where groups of marine resources users and
other affected stakeholders investigate and discuss desired uses
for specific land and water areas and determine methods for
resolution of user conflicts. The council shall use the results
of these pilot projects to shape the council's recommendations
for bay management efforts.

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