LD 1857
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LR 2749
Item 1

Sec. A-13. 12 MRSA §6072, sub-§13, ¶H is enacted to read:

H.__For establishing fallowing requirements and procedures.

Sec. A-14. 12 MRSA §6072, sub-§13-A is enacted to read:

13-A.__Lease acreage increase; fallowing.__The commissioner
may authorize a person to exceed the 300-acre limit established
in subsections 2, 12 and 12-A if that person submits an annual
fallowing plan to the commissioner that identifies lease sites
that have been actively operated during the lease period and will
be fallowed for a 12-month period.__A person may not be a tenant
of any kind in leases covering an aggregate of more than 300
nonfallowed acres at any time.__A person may not be a tenant of
any kind in leases covering an aggregate of more than 500 acres
including fallowed leases at any time.__For purposes of this
subsection, "fallow" means a lease site without cultured fish,
shellfish, scallops and gear except marked mooring blocks.__A
lease site fallowed pursuant to an enforcement action may not be
considered fallowed for the purpose of this subsection.

Sec. A-15. 12 MRSA §6072-A, sub-§15, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 231,
§6, is amended to read:

15. Conditions. The commissioner may establish conditions
that govern the use of the leased area and limitations on the
aquaculture activities. These conditions must encourage the
greatest multiple, compatible uses of the leased area, but must
also address the ability of the lease site and surrounding area
to support ecologically significant flora and fauna and preserve
the exclusive rights of the lessee to the extent necessary to
carry out the lease purpose. The commissioner may grant the lease
on a conditional basis until the lessee has acquired all the
necessary federal, state and local permits. A lease may not be
approved unless the commissioner has received certification from
the Department of Environmental Protection that the project will
not violate the standards ascribed to the receiving waters
classification in Title 38, section 465-B.

Sec. A-16. 12 MRSA §6072-D is enacted to read:

§6072-D.__Aquaculture Management Fund

1.__Fund established.__The Aquaculture Management Fund,
referred to in this section as "the fund," is established as a
dedicated, nonlapsing fund within the department.__All income
received by the commissioner under this section must be deposited
with the Treasurer of State.__Any balance remaining in the fund
at the end of a fiscal year does not lapse and must be carried

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