LD 1857
pg. 7
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LR 2749
Item 1

forward to the next fiscal year.__Any interest earned on assets
of the fund is credited to the fund.

2.__Fees.__In accordance with the authority of the
commissioner to levy lease rents pursuant to section 6072,
subsections 9 and 13 and section 6072-A, subsection 14 and
application fees pursuant to section 6072, subsections 4, 12 and
12-A, the commissioner shall adopt routine technical rules as
defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A to implement a
fee structure for lease rents and application fees that are in
addition to the minimum lease rents and application fees that are
in effect on the effective date of this subsection.__Any rent or
fee assessed pursuant to this subsection that is in addition to
the fees that are in effect on the effective date of this
subsection must be credited to the fund.__A person who does not
pay the rent or fee commits a civil violation for which a fine of
not more than $1,000 may be adjudged.

3.__Additional revenues.__The commissioner may expend annual
revenues that are in excess of the operating expenses of a
program under subsection 4 to address matters that the
commissioner determines are of an emergency nature to the State's
aquaculture industry, to address matters that the commissioner
determines are of long-term interest to the State's aquaculture
industry and to rebate revenues to all those persons who paid
fees under subsection 2.__The fund may receive money from any
source for the purposes of this subsection.

4.__Uses of fund.__The commissioner may make expenditures from
the fund to develop and manage effective and cost-efficient water
quality licensing and monitoring criteria, analyze and evaluate
monitoring data, process lease applications and make information
about aquaculture available to the public.

5.__Reports.__On or before February 1st of each year, the
commissioner shall report to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over marine resources matters on
all expenditures made from the fund in the previous fiscal year
and a summary of work accomplished and planned.

Sec. A-17. 12 MRSA §6077, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 381, §6,
is amended to read:

The department is responsible for establishing and maintaining
a comprehensive may establish and maintain an information base
pertaining to all aspects of the siting, development and
operation of finfish aquaculture facilities within the State.

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