LD 1815
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LR 2551
Item 1

information acquired pursuant to activities under paragraphs B
and C;

E.__Shall maintain active communications with any entity the
commission determines appropriate regarding ongoing
developments in international trade agreements and policy;

F.__May recommend or submit legislation to the Legislature;

G.__May recommend that the State support, or withhold its
support from, future trade negotiations or agreements; and

H.__May examine any aspects of international trade,
international economic integration and trade agreements that
the members of the commission consider appropriate.

10.__Outside funding.__The commission may seek and accept
outside funding to fulfill commission duties.__Prompt notice of
solicitation and acceptance of funds must be sent to the
Legislative Council.__All funds accepted must be forwarded to the
Executive Director of the Legislative Council, along with an
accounting that includes the amount received, the date that
amount was received, from whom that amount was received, the
purpose of the donation and any limitation on use of the funds.__
The executive director administers any funds received.

11.__Evaluation.__By December 31, 2009, the commission shall
conduct an evaluation of its activities and recommend to the
Legislature whether to continue, alter or cease the commission's

Sec. 3. Staggered terms. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 10, section 11, subsection 5, the appointing authorities
for the original appointments of public members of the Citizen
Trade Policy Commission shall designate their first appointment
for a one-year term, their 2nd appointment for a 2-year term and
any other appointments for a 3-year term. An initial term of one
or 2 years may not be considered a full term for purposes of
limiting the number of terms for which a member may serve.

Sec. 4. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and
allocations are made.



Initiative: Provides funds for the per diem and expenses for
members of the Citizen Trade Policy Commission as well as public

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