LD 1815
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LR 2551
Item 1

continue to serve until their replacements are designated.__A
member may designate an alternate to serve on a temporary basis.

6.__Chair; officers; rules.__The first-named Senate member and
the first-named House of Representatives member are cochairs of
the commission.__The commission shall appoint other officers as
necessary and make rules for orderly procedure.

7.__Compensation.__Legislators who are members of the
commission are entitled to receive the legislative per diem and
expenses as defined in Title 3, section 2 for their attendance to
their duties under this chapter.__Other members are entitled to
receive reimbursement of necessary expenses if they are not
otherwise reimbursed by their employers or others whom they

8.__Staff.__The Office of Policy and Legal Analysis shall
provide the necessary staff support for the operation of the
commission.__After one year, the commission shall assess the need
for and qualifications of a staff person, for example, an
executive director.__If the commission determines that it
requires such a person, it may request additional funds from the

9.__Powers and duties.__The commission:

A.__Shall meet at least twice annually;

B.__Shall hear public testimony and recommendations from the
people of the State and qualified experts when appropriate
at no fewer than 2 locations throughout the State each year
on the actual and potential social, environmental, economic
and legal impacts of international trade agreements and
negotiations on the State;

C.__Shall conduct an annual assessment of the impacts of
international trade agreements on Maine's state laws,
municipal laws, working conditions and business environment;

D.__Shall maintain active communications with and submit an
annual report to the Governor, the Legislature, the Attorney
General, municipalities, Maine's congressional delegation, the
Maine International Trade Center, the Maine Municipal
Association, the United States Trade Representative's Office, the
National Conference of State Legislatures and the National
Association of Attorneys General or the successor organization of
any of these groups.__The commission shall make the report easily
accessible to the public by way of a publicly accessible site on
the Internet maintained by the State.__The report must contain

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