LD 1957
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LR 2823
Item 1

*Sec. 9. Initial report. Resolved: That the committee shall submit a
an initial report that includes its findings and recommendations
including suggested legislation for presentation to the Joint
Standing Committee on Judiciary and the Legislative Council by
December 3, 2003. Following receipt and review of the report,
the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary may report out a bill
to the Second Regular Session of the 121st Legislature to
implement the committee's recommendations. If the committee
requires a limited extension of time to conclude its study and to
make its report, it may apply to the Legislative Council, which
may grant the extension; and be it further

Sec. 8. Resolve 2003, c. 83, §9-A is enacted to read:

*Sec. 9-A.__Final report.__Resolved:__That, not later than November 3,
2004, the committee shall submit a final report that includes its
findings and recommendations, including suggested legislation,
for presentation to the First Regular Session of the 122nd
Legislature.__The committee is authorized to submit legislation
related to its report for introduction to the First Regular
Session of the 122nd Legislature at the time of submission of its
report; and be it further

Sec. 9. Codification of public records exceptions. The Office of Policy and
Legal Analysis and the Office of the Revisor of Statutes shall
produce a bill for introduction in the First Regular Session of
the 122nd Legislature that lists in the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 1, chapter 13, subchapter 1-A all the public records
exceptions that exist elsewhere in the statutes, including cross-
references to those exceptions.

Sec. 10. Retroactivity. Those sections of this Act that amend
Resolve 2003, chapter 83, section 9 and enact Resolve 2003,
chapter 83, section 9-A apply retroactively to December 3, 2003.

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