LD 1957
pg. 10
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LR 2823
Item 1

appropriate and, if so, recommend the level of such a cap on
copying fees;

9.__Review the issues surrounding appropriate charges for
remote electronic access to public records;

10.__Recommend whether the court should have discretion to
award attorney's fees to a party denied access to records or
proceedings and, if so, under what circumstances;

11.__Recommend whether the enforcement procedures of Maine's
freedom of access laws, including the imposition of monetary
penalties, should be modified;

12.__Explore options for providing staffing assistance for the
legislative review of exceptions to the definition of "public

13.__Review the issues surrounding the extent to which voice
mail and electronic mail are public records and determine if
statutory changes are necessary to ensure public access to public

14.__Review the issues surrounding the conduct of public
proceedings through electronic means and the methods of ensuring
public access to such proceedings;

15.__Review the options for standardization and clarification
of Maine law contained in the report to the Legislature,
Confidentiality of Public Records (1992), prepared by the Office
of Policy and Legal Analysis;

16.__Review the efforts of the Department of the Attorney
General to provide public access assistance to the public and
entities covered by Maine's freedom of access laws; and

17.__Review any other public access issues that may improve
compliance with Maine's freedom of access laws and enhance public
access to public proceedings; and be it further

Sec. 6. Resolve 2003, c. 83, §7-A is enacted to read:

*Sec. 7-A.__Funding for 2nd year of study.__Resolved:__That any unexpended
balance of funds originally budgeted to support the work of the
committee that remain within the Legislature's Miscellaneous
Studies account must be used for the same purposes; and be it

Sec. 7. Resolve 2003, c. 83, §9 is amended to read:

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