LD 1
pg. 21
Page 20 of 70 An Act To Increase the State Share of Education Costs, Reduce Property Taxes an... Page 22 of 70
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LR 328
Item 1

from kindergarten to grade 12 by the certified total state
valuation for the year prior to the most recently certified
total state valuation for all municipalities. The full-
value education mill rate must decline over the period from
fiscal year 2005-06 to fiscal year 2009-10 2008-09 and may
not exceed 9.0 mills in fiscal year 2005-06 and may not
exceed 8.0 mills in fiscal year 2009-10 2008-09. The full-
value education mill rate must be applied according to
section 15688, subsection 3, paragraph A to determine a
municipality's local cost share expectation. Full-value
education mill rates must be derived according to the
following schedule.

(1) For the 2005 property tax year, the full-value
education mill rate is the amount necessary to result
in a 47.4% local share in fiscal year 2005-06.

(2) For the 2006 property tax year, the full-value
education mill rate is the amount necessary to result
in a 47.4% 46.14% local share in fiscal year 2006-07.

(3) For the 2007 property tax year, the full-value
education mill rate is the amount necessary to result
in a 47.0% 45.56% local share in fiscal year 2007-08.

(4) For the 2008 property tax year, the full-value
education mill rate is the amount necessary to result
in a 46.0% 45.0% local share in fiscal year 2008-09.

(5) For the 2009 property tax year, the full-value
education mill rate is the amount necessary to result
in a 45.0% local share in fiscal year 2009-10.

3. Exceeding maximum local cost share expectations; separate
article. Beginning with the 2005-2006 school budget, the
legislative body of a school administrative unit may adopt
property tax rates an additional local appropriation that exceed
exceeds the local cost share expectation established by section
15688, subsection 3, paragraph A if that action is approved in a
separate article by a vote of the school administrative unit's
legislative body through the same process that the school budget
is approved in that school administrative unit. If that
additional appropriation causes the school administrative unit to
exceed the maximum state and local spending target described in
subsection 4, the voting requirements of subsection 4 apply.

4. Exceeding the maximum state and local spending target.__The
sum of a school administrative unit's local contribution to the
total cost of funding public education determined pursuant to
section 15688, subsection 3, paragraph A plus the state

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