LD 1
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LR 328
Item 1

contribution as calculated in section 15688, subsection 3,
paragraph B plus the additional local contribution raised
pursuant to section 15690, subsection 3 may not exceed the
targeted state and local spending for fiscal year 2005-06 and
succeeding fiscal years. The targeted state and local spending
for fiscal years 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09 is as

A.__The targeted state and local spending for fiscal year
2005-06 is equal to the state and local spending, excluding
local only debt, from fiscal year 2004-05 increased by the
3-year average percent of increase in the Consumer Price
Index plus 25% of the difference between that result and
100% of the essential programs and services costs for fiscal
year 2005-06 or 100% of the essential programs and services
costs, whichever is less;

B.__The targeted state and local spending for fiscal year
2006-07 is equal to the state and local spending, excluding
local only debt, from fiscal year 2005-06 increased by the
3-year average percent of increase in the Consumer Price
Index plus 25% of the difference between that result and
100% of the essential programs and services costs for fiscal
year 2006-07 or 100% of the essential programs and services
costs, whichever is less;

C.__The targeted state and local spending for fiscal year
2007-08 is equal to the state and local spending, excluding
local only debt, from fiscal year 2006-07 increased by the
3-year average percent of increase in the Consumer Price
Index plus 25% of the difference between that result and
100% of the essential programs and services costs for fiscal
year 2007-08 or 100% of the essential programs and services
costs, whichever is less; and

D.__The targeted state and local spending for fiscal year
2008-09 and succeeding years is equal to 100% of the
essential programs and services costs.

If a school administrative unit elects to exceed the limit
established in paragraph A, B, C or D, the legislative body of
that school administrative unit must approve or otherwise ratify
that action, which may be done only by referendum in a separate
article. The referendum procedures governing the school budget
adoption or ratification voting must be accomplished in
accordance with sections 1305, subsection 1, 1305-B and 1701-B
or, for municipal school systems opting to use a secret ballot,
Title 30-A, section 2528, and the article must conform to section
15690, subsection 3, paragraph B.

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