LD 1
pg. 35
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LR 328
Item 1

and the result divided by the total number of students sent
to elementary grade receiving units by the sending unit.__
The result is the average elementary grade EPS per-pupil
rate for the sending unit.

The EPS per-pupil rate for private schools approved for
tuition purposes under chapter 117 is the statewide average
EPS per-pupil rate for elementary grades.__The elementary
attending student count is the most recent October 1st count
prior to the allocation year.

B.__For units that do not operate secondary grade schools,
the EPS per-pupil rate for secondary grades is calculated by
multiplying the number of students sent by the sending unit
to a secondary grade receiving unit multiplied by the
receiving unit's EPS per-pupil rate for secondary grades and
the result divided by the number of students sent by the
sending unit to that secondary grade receiving unit.__If the
sending unit sends students to more than one secondary grade
receiving unit, then the secondary grade receiving unit cost
for each student sent by the sending unit is added and the
result divided by the total number of students sent to
secondary grade receiving units by the sending unit.__The
result is the average secondary grade EPS per-pupil rate for
the sending unit.

The EPS per-pupil rate for private schools approved for
tuition purposes under chapter 117 is the statewide average
EPS per-pupil rate for secondary grades.__The secondary
attending student count is the most recent October 1st count
prior to the allocation year.

Sec. D-42. 20-A MRSA §15681, as enacted by IB 2003, c. 2, §1, is

Sec. D-43. 20-A MRSA §15681-A is enacted to read:

§15681-A.__Other subsidizable costs

The following are other subsidizable costs.

1.__Bus purchases.__Bus purchase costs.

2.__Special education costs.__Beginning in fiscal year 2005-
06, a school administrative unit receives an additional weight of
at least 1.20 but not greater than 1.40 for each special
education student identified on the annual December 1st child
count as required by the federal Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act for the most recent year, up to a maximum of 15% of
the school
administrative unit resident's

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