LD 1
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LR 328
Item 1

5.__School purpose expense requirement. Notwithstanding any
other law, money allocated for school purposes may be expended
only for school purposes.

6.__Balance of allocations. Notwithstanding any other law,
general operating fund balances at the end of a school
administrative unit's fiscal year must be carried forward to meet
the unit's needs in the next year or over a period not to exceed
3 years.__Unallocated balances in excess of 3% of the previous
fiscal year's school budget must be used to reduce the state and
local share of the total allocation for the purpose of computing
state subsidy.__School boards may carry forward unallocated
balances in excess of 3% of the previous year's school budget and
disburse these funds in the next year or over a period not to
exceed 3 years.

7.__Required data; subsidy payments withheld.__A school
administrative unit shall provide the commissioner with
information that the commissioner requests to carry out the
purposes of this chapter, according to time schedules that the
commissioner establishes.__The commissioner may withhold monthly
subsidy payments from a school administrative unit when
information is not filed in the specified format and with
specific content and within the specified time schedules.

8.__Unobligated balances.__Unobligated balances from amounts
appropriated for general purpose aid for local schools may not
lapse but must be carried forward to the next fiscal year.

§15689-C.__Commissioner's recommendation for funding levels;


1.__Annual recommendation. Prior to December 15th of each
year, the commissioner, with the approval of the state board,
shall recommend to the Governor and the Department of
Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of the Budget the
funding levels that the commissioner recommends for the purposes
of this chapter.

2.__Funding level computations. The following are the funding
level computations that support the commissioner's funding level

A.__The requested funding levels for the operating
allocation under section 15683;

B.__The requested funding levels for debt service under
section 15683-A, which are as follows:

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