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LR 328
Item 1

(1)__The known obligations and estimates of anticipated
principal and interest costs for the allocation year;

(2)__The expenditures for the insured value factor for
the base year;

(3)__The level of lease payments and lease-purchase
payments pursuant to section 15672, subsection 2-A for
the year prior to the allocation year; and

(4)__Funds allocated by the state board for new school
construction projects funded in the current fiscal

C.__The requested funding levels for adjustments under
section 15689, which must be computed by estimating costs
for the allocation year; and

D.__The requested funding levels for miscellaneous costs
under section 15689-A.

3.__Guidelines for updating other subsidizable costs.__The
commissioner's recommendation for updating percentages to bring
base year actual costs to the equivalent of one-year-old costs
may not exceed the average of the 2 most recent percentages of
annual increase in the Consumer Price Index.

§15689-D.__Governor's recommendation for funding levels

The Department of Administrative and Financial Services,
Bureau of the Budget shall annually certify to the Legislature
the funding levels that the Governor recommends under sections
15683, 15683-A, 15689 and 15689-A.__The Governor's
recommendations must be transmitted to the Legislature within the
time schedules set forth in Title 5, section 1666.

§15689-E.__Actions by Legislature

The Legislature shall annually, prior to March 15th, enact
legislation to:

1.__Appropriation for state share of adjustments, debt service
and operating; single account.__Appropriate the necessary funds
for the State's share for general purpose aid for local schools
with a separate amount for each of the following components:

A.__Adjustments and miscellaneous costs described in
sections 15689 and 15689-A, including an appropriation for
special education pupils placed directly by the State, for:

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