LD 1
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Page 67 of 70 An Act To Increase the State Share of Education Costs, Reduce Property Taxes an... Page 69 of 70
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LR 328
Item 1

the Commissioner of Education, shall establish criteria through
which school administrative units and municipalities may
demonstrate significant and sustainable savings in the cost of
delivering educational services and improved achievement through
changes in governance, administrative structure or adopted policy
that result in the creation of consolidated school administrative
units, broad-based purchasing alliances, enhanced regional
delivery of educational services or collaborative school-
municipal service delivery or service support systems.

Prior to the end of fiscal year 2008-09, a school
administrative unit or municipality may apply to the Commissioner
of Education for a distribution from the fund. Pursuant to
criteria established in this section, the commissioner may
authorize distributions from the fund in the form of competitive
and planning grants.

Sec. H-3. Fund for the Efficient Delivery of Local and Regional Services; distribution.
In accordance with Initiated Bill 2003, chapter 2, section 4,
subsection 3, this section provides for the design,
implementation, management and oversight of the Fund for the
Efficient Delivery of Local and Regional Services established in
the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 30-A, section 5681, subsection
3, referred to in this section as "the fund." The Department of
Administrative and Financial Services shall distribute the fund,
in the form of competitive grants and planning grants, to
municipalities that demonstrate significant and sustainable
savings in the cost of delivering local and regional governmental
services, or, in the case of planning grants, the potential for
such savings, through collaborative approaches to service
delivery, enhanced regional delivery systems, the consolidation
of regional services and the creation of broad-based purchasing
alliances in accordance with the criteria and application process
developed by the department pursuant to Public Law 2003, chapter
20, Part W, section 2. The Department of Administrative and
Financial Services may contract for services for administration
of the fund.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved, except as otherwise


This bill increases the state share of education costs,
provides property tax reduction for Maine residents and reduces
government spending at all levels. Specifically, the bill
accomplishes the following.

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