LD 56
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LD 56 Title Page RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Facilitate t... Page 2 of 2
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LR 143
Item 1

Constitutional amendment. Resolved: Two thirds of each branch of the
Legislature concurring, that the following amendment to the
Constitution of Maine be proposed:

Constitution, Art. IV, Part Third, §23 is amended to read:

Section 23. Municipalities reimbursed annually. The
Legislature shall annually reimburse each municipality from state
tax sources for not less than 50% of the property tax revenue
loss suffered by that municipality during the previous calendar
year because of the statutory property tax exemptions or credits
enacted after April 1, 1978. The Legislature shall enact
appropriate legislation to carry out the intent of this section.

This section shall allow, but not require, reimbursement for
statutory property tax exemptions or credits for unextracted

For the purposes of this section, a municipality is not
considered to have lost revenue from a statutory property tax
exemption or credit enacted after April 1, 2004 if the
municipality has not assessed property taxes on the type of
property subject to the exemption or credit in the 10 years
preceding the enactment of the exemption or credit.

; and be it

Constitutional referendum procedure; form of question; effective date. Resolved:
That the municipal officers of this State shall notify the
inhabitants of their respective cities, towns and plantations to
meet, in the manner prescribed by law for holding a statewide
election, at a statewide election, on the Tuesday following the
first Monday of November following the passage of this
resolution, to vote upon the ratification of the amendment
proposed in this resolution by voting upon the following

"Do you favor amending the Constitution of Maine to permit
the Legislature to create a property tax exemption or credit
without reimbursing municipalities if municipalities have
not taxed the property for 10 years?"

The legal voters of each city, town and plantation shall vote
by ballot on this question and designate their choice by a cross
or check mark placed within the corresponding square below the
word "Yes" or "No." The ballots must be received, sorted,
counted and declared in open ward, town and plantation meetings
and returns made to the Secretary of State in the same manner as
votes for members of the Legislature. The Governor shall review
the returns and, if it appears that a majority of the legal votes

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