LD 56
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Facilitate t... LD 56 Title Page
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LR 143
Item 1

are cast in favor of the amendment, the Governor shall proclaim
that fact without delay and the amendment becomes part of the
Constitution of Maine on the date of the proclamation; and be it

Secretary of State shall prepare ballots. Resolved: That the Secretary of
State shall prepare and furnish to each city, town and plantation
all ballots, returns and copies of this resolution necessary to
carry out the purposes of this referendum.


This resolution amends the Constitution of Maine to provide
that the Legislature is not required to reimburse municipalities
for new property tax exemptions or credits if the municipality
has not assessed property taxes on that type of property in the
10 years preceding enactment of the exemption or credit.

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