LD 301
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Page 3 of 7 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Committee To Study Compliance wi... Page 5 of 7
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LR 113
Item 1

committees, including, but not limited to, the Joint Standing
Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs, the Joint
Standing Committee on Audit and Program Review joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
appropriations and financial matters and other legislative

Sec. 3. 5 MRSA §200-I is enacted to read:

§200-I.__Public Access Ombudsman

1.__Public Access Ombudsman.__The Attorney General shall
appoint a Public Access Ombudsman, referred to in this section as
"the ombudsman,"__within the Department of the Attorney General
to assist in compliance with the freedom of access laws in Title
1, chapter 13.

2.__Duties.__The ombudsman shall:

A.__Prepare interpretive and educational materials and
programs concerning the freedom of access laws in
cooperation with the Freedom of Access Advisory Committee
established in Title 1, section 411;

B.__Make available to elected or appointed public officials
the freedom of access laws and educational materials
concerning the freedom of access laws;

C.__Respond to inquiries made by the public and public
agencies and officials concerning the freedom of access

D.__Respond to and work to resolve complaints made by the
public and public agencies and officials concerning the
freedom of access laws;

E.__Furnish, upon request, guidelines and other appropriate
information regarding the freedom of access laws to any
person or public agency or official in an expeditious
manner; and

F.__Make recommendations to the Legislature and the Freedom
of Access Advisory Committee concerning ways to improve
public access to public records and proceedings.

3.__Assistance.__The ombudsman may request from any public
agency or official assistance, services and information to enable
the ombudsman to effectively carry out the responsibilities
described in this section.__Every public agency and official
shall cooperate with the ombudsman and provide the assistance,
services or information.

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