LD 509
pg. 116
Page 115 of 183 An Act To Adopt the Maine Uniform Securities Act Page 117 of 183
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LR 441
Item 1

administered by a self-regulatory organization or another
continuing education program approved by the administrator.

9.__Privacy provisions.__A broker-dealer licensed or required
to be licensed under this chapter and an investment adviser
licensed or required to be licensed under this chapter shall
comply with the privacy provisions of the federal Gramm-Leach-
Bliley Act, 15 United States Code, Section 6801 et seq. (1999)
and the implementing Regulation S-P, federal Privacy of Consumer
Financial Information, 17 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 248
(2001) adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission. This
subsection is not intended to permit the release of health care
information except as permitted by Title 22, section 1711-C or
Title 24-A, chapter 24.

10.__Rulemaking.__Rules adopted pursuant to this section are
routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter 2-A.

Official Comments

Prior Provisions: 1956 Act Sections 102(c), 202(d) and (e) and
203; RUSA Sections 209, 211 and 215.

1. Sections 411(a) through (c) and (e) through (f) implicitly
refer to "capital, custody, margin, financial responsibility,
making and keeping records, bonding, or financial or operational
reporting requirements." Under the National Securities Markets
Improvement Act of 1996, States may not impose such requirements
on covered broker-dealers and investment advisers greater than
those specified in Section 15(h) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 and Section 222 of the Investment Advisors Act of 1940.

2. Minimum financial requirements must be maintained during
the entire time a person is registered and not merely at the time
of the registration. See, e.g., National Grange Mut. Ins. Co. v.
Prioleau, 236 S.E.2d 808 (S.C. 1977) (continuing bond
requirement); Ridgeway, McLeod & Assoc., 281 A.2d 390 (N.J.
Super. Ct. App. Div. 1971) (continuing minimum capital

3. The duty in Section 411(b) to correct or update
information is limited to material information which a reasonable
investor would continue to consider important in deciding whether
to purchase or sell securities. Cf. TSC Indus., Inc. v. Northway,
Inc., 426 U.S. 438, 444-450 (1970); Securities Act Release No.
6084, 17 SEC Dock. 1048, 1054 (1979) ("persons are continuing to
rely on all or any material portion of the statements").

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