LD 509
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Page 74 of 183 An Act To Adopt the Maine Uniform Securities Act Page 76 of 183
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LR 441
Item 1

telegram, telephone or electronic means and promptly confirm this
notice by a record. If the registrant subsequently complies with
the notice requirements of this section within 15 days of the
issuance of the stop order, the stop order is void as of the date
of its issuance.

5.__Effectiveness of registration statement.__If the federal
registration statement becomes effective before each of the
conditions in this section is satisfied or is waived by the
administrator, the registration statement is automatically
effective under this chapter when all the conditions are
satisfied or waived. If the registrant notifies the administrator
of the date when the federal registration statement is expected
to become effective, the administrator shall promptly notify the
registrant by telegram, telephone or electronic means and
promptly confirm this notice by a record, indicating whether all
the conditions are satisfied or waived and whether the
administrator intends the institution of a proceeding under
section 16306. The notice by the administrator does not preclude
the institution of such a proceeding.

6.__Prospectus delivery.__When a security is registered under
this section, the prospectus filed under the federal Securities
Act of 1933 must be delivered at the time mandated by the
prospectus delivery requirements of that Act to each purchaser in
this State.

Official Comments

Prior Provisions: 1956 Act Section 303; RUSA Section 303.

1. Registration by coordination was one of the key
innovations of the 1956 Act. As in the 1956 Act, Section 303
streamlines the content of the registration statement and the
procedure by which a registration statement becomes effective,
but not the substantive standards governing the effectiveness of
a registration statement.

2. The phrase "in connection with the same offering" in
Section 303 does not require that the federal and state
registration statements be filed simultaneously or become
effective simultaneously. A registration by coordination can be
filed in a State after the effectiveness of the federal
registration statement as long as the administrator does not
conclude that the interval was too long to consider the State
registration statement "the same offering."

3. Section 303 is similar to the 1956 Act except that these
provisions have been modernized to include electronic filing and
electronic notification. Cf. Sections 102(8), 102(25), 105. It is

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