LD 631
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Establish a Maine Law Sunset Review Committee LD 631 Title Page
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LR 493
Item 1

in the review required under subsection 1 and in the report
preparation under subsection 3.

3.__Report; legislation.__The committee shall prepare and
submit to the Legislature, within 30 days after the convening of
the second regular session of each Legislature, a report
identifying the statutes reviewed and the advisability of
retaining each statute identified as potentially obsolete or
outdated.__The committee may submit recommended legislation to
the second regular session of each Legislature.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill creates a process for a review of the Maine Revised
Statutes to eliminate obsolete and outdated statutes. The
process is based on the assignment in each Legislature of a joint
standing or joint select committee whose duties are to review the
Maine Revised Statutes and report at the beginning of the second
regular session of that Legislature a summary of the committee's
work and any recommended legislation. The committee meets during
legislative sessions and may meet between sessions as authorized
by the presiding officers. The Legislative Council provides
staffing assistance. Other state agencies may provide

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