LD 1020
pg. 13
Page 12 of 18 An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Stimulate Economic Growth and ... Page 14 of 18
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LR 2244
Item 1

construction or renovation of buildings, equipment, docks, wharves,
piers or vessels used in connection with a commercial agricultural
enterprise; for the purchase of land in connection with development
of new cranberry acreage; for the purchase of land for irrigation
reservoirs or to provide direct access to water for irrigation; for
the purchase of land necessary for the start-up of a new
agricultural enterprise; for the expansion of an existing
agricultural enterprise when the land acquisition is necessary to
comply with land use regulations; for the development of a business
plan in accordance with the provisions of Title 7, section 436-A;
for improvements to pastureland, including seeding and actions to
promote rotational grazing; or, if the commissioner so approves at
the time of loan insurance commitment, to pledge money in the fund
as security for, and to apply money in the fund to, payment of
principal, interest and other amounts due on any term loans insured
by the Finance Authority of Maine to an eligible dairy farmer may
be used only in accordance with Title 7, chapter 101, subchapter 1-
D. Repayment of these loans and interest on these loans must be
credited to the fund and may be used for the purposes stated in
this section or Title 7, section 436. Interest earned on money in
the fund and interest earned on loans made from the fund may be
used to pay the administrative costs of processing loan
applications, to the extent that these costs exceed the fee for
administrative costs established by Title 7, section 435,
subsection 4.

A purchaser of a modern storage facility that was previously
financed with a state loan from the Potato Marketing Improvement
Fund may receive a loan from the Agricultural Marketing Loan
Fund, but not for the same project financed by the Potato
Marketing Improvement Fund. Mortgages obtained from the fund may
be assumed by subsequent purchasers of the property.

In order to provide monetary support for Maine milk producers,
the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources may
take actions and direct the Finance Authority of Maine to take
actions to provide support including entering into agreements as
may be necessary to sell, assign or otherwise pledge amounts in
the aggregate principal amount of loans and undivided interests
in a pool of loans, and assign or pledge any cash balances in the
fund, mortgages or other security to provide assurance that
amounts provided as monetary support by the commissioner to milk
producers are returned to their original source.

Sec. C-7. Application; contingent on bond issue. This Part takes effect only
if the general revenue bond issue in Part A is approved by the
voters of this State.

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