LD 1157
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LD 1157 Title Page An Act To Protect Children from Toxic Chemicals in Schools Page 2 of 2
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LR 1297
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 38 MRSA c. 24, sub-c. 9 is enacted to read:





As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise
indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.

1.__Distributor.__"Distributor" means a person who sells or
distributes general use pesticides in wholesale quantities to
licensed general use pesticide dealers in the State for retail

2.__General use pesticide.__"General use pesticide" has the
same meaning as in Title 22, section 1471-C, subsection 11-B.

3.__Unit.__"Unit" means an individual container of pesticide
of any size distributed, or to be distributed, to retailers for
purchase by a consumer.__"Unit" includes, but is not limited to,
containers such as bags, boxes, bottles and cans.

§2242.__Fee on general use pesticides

Beginning January 1, 2006, a fee of 30__is imposed on
distributors for each unit of general use pesticides distributed
within the State.__This section does not apply to a pesticide
product exempt from licensing requirements under Title 22,
section 1471-W, subsection 5.__Beginning in 2007, the fee
required under this section and copy of the report required under
Title 22, section 1471-W, subsection 3 for the prior calendar
year are due from each distributor to the department by March
31st annually.


1.__Collection and deposit of revenue.__The department shall
establish procedures to collect the fee in section 2242.__All
fees collected by the department under this section must be
deposited in the Maine Solid Waste Management Fund established
under section 2201.__The fee required by section 2242 must be
accompanied by a copy of the annual report required of pesticide
distributors under Title 22, section 1471-W, subsection 3.

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