LD 1169
pg. 14
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LR 985
Item 1

(8)__"Have you been convicted within the past 3 years of
3 or more crimes punishable by imprisonment of less than
one year?"

(9)__"Have you been adjudged within the past 3 years to
have committed 3 or more juvenile offenses involving
conduct that, if committed by an adult, would be
punishable by imprisonment of less than one year?"

(10)__"To your knowledge, have you engaged within the
past 3 years in reckless or negligent conduct that is
substantiated by the records of a governmental entity?"

2.__Signature as certification.__Each applicant, by affixing
the applicant's signature to the application, certifies the

A.__That the statements made in the application and any
documents made a part of the application are true and

B.__That the applicant understands that an affirmative
answer to one or more of the questions in subsection 1,
paragraph D is cause for refusal; and

C.__That the applicant understands that knowingly making any
false statement in the application or any document made a
part of the application is grounds for a refusal to issue a
license or for revocation or suspension of a license.

3.__Consent to review records. At the request of the Chief of
the State Police or the chief's designee, the applicant shall
take whatever action is necessary to permit the Chief of the
State Police to examine all accounts and records in the
applicant's possession, under the applicant's control or under
the control of 3rd parties but accessible by consent of the
applicant and shall authorize all 3rd parties in possession or in
control of those accounts or records to allow the Chief of the
State Police or a designee to examine the accounts and records as
the Chief of the State Police determines necessary to ascertain:

A.__Whether the information supplied on the application or
on any documents made a part of the application is true and

B.__Whether each of the requirements of this section has
been met; and

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