LD 1229
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act To Strengthen the Enforcement of Divorce Decrees Page 3 of 3
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LR 799
Item 1

(4)__An order requiring the parties to participate in
available and approved family counseling at the expense
of the noncomplying parent;

(5)__An order requiring the noncomplying parent to post
bond or security to ensure future compliance;

(6)__An order requiring that make-up contact time be
provided for the aggrieved parent under the following

(a)__That such contact time is of the same type
and duration of contact time as that denied,
including but not limited to time during weekends,
on holidays and on weekdays during the summer;

(b)__That such contact time is made up within 6
months after the noncompliance occurs unless the
period of time or holiday cannot be made up within
6 months, in which case the contact time must be
made up within one year after the noncompliance
occurs; and

(c)__That such contact time takes place at the
time and in the manner chosen by the aggrieved
parent if it is in the best interests of the

(7)__An order finding the parent who did not comply
with the order in contempt of court and imposing a fine
or term of imprisonment;

(8)__An order imposing on the noncomplying parent a
fine not to exceed $100 per incident of denied contact

(9)__An order scheduling a hearing for modification of
the existing order concerning the award of parental
rights and responsibilities; and

(10)__Any other order that promotes the best interests
of the child involved.

Sec. 2. Parenting time enforcement program. The appropriate state
agency, as determined by the Governor, shall develop a parenting
time enforcement program.

1. Development of program. The program must facilitate
children's access to the parents with whom the children reside

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