LD 1306
pg. 5
Page 4 of 13 An Act To License Home Building and Improvement Contractors Page 6 of 13
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Item 1

4.__Renewal.__Concerning license renewal.__Licenses expire
annually on December 31st or on a date the commissioner determines.__
The board shall issue a renewal license upon receipt of the written
request for renewal, the annual fee and evidence of satisfactory
completion of the continuing education requirement pursuant to
subsection 3. Licenses may be renewed up to 90 days after
expiration upon payment of a late fee in addition to the renewal
fee.__A person who submits an application for renewal more than 90
days after the license expiration date is subject to all
requirements governing new applicants under this chapter.


The Director of the Office of Licensing and Registration
within the department, pursuant to Title 10, section 8003,
subsection 2-A, paragraph D, may establish by rule fees for
purposes authorized under this chapter in amounts that are
reasonable and necessary for their respective purposes, except
that a fee may not exceed the following:

1.__General home contractor license.__For a general home
contractor license under section 15347, $350 annually;

2.__Specialty license.__For a specialty license under section
15347, $150 annually; and

3.__Registration under section 15335.__For registration
pursuant to section 15356, $100 annually.

Fees may used by the director only for the purposes of this

§15346.__Duties; powers

The board has the following duties and powers, in addition to
those otherwise set forth in this chapter.

1.__Consent agreements.__The board may execute a consent
agreement that resolves a complaint or investigation without
further proceedings pursuant to Title 10, section 8003,
subsection 5, paragraph B.

2.__Denial of license.__The board may not refuse to issue or
renew a license for a reason other than the failure to pay a
required fee unless the applicant has been afforded an
opportunity for an adjudicatory hearing consistent with the
board's rules.

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