LD 1414
pg. 1
LD 1414 Title Page An Act To Authorize Municipalities To Create Municipal Fire Districts Page 2 of 2
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LR 1217
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 30-A MRSA §3158 is enacted to read:

§3158.__Municipal fire districts

1.__Ordinance.__A municipal legislative body may enact an
ordinance to create a municipal fire district within the
municipality.__The municipal fire district may contain all or
part of the municipality.

2.__Services charges.__A municipal fire district ordinance
must establish service charges for fire protection within the
municipal fire district based on an estimation of the cost of
providing the services.__The service charges__must be levied
against all property owners or parties in possession within the
municipal fire district, including institutions and organizations
otherwise exempt from tax under Title 36, section 652.__With
respect to the determination of service charges, appeals must be
made in accordance with an appeals process to be provided by
municipal ordinance.

3.__Unpaid service charges; collection.__The collection of
unpaid service charges levied pursuant to subsection 2 must be
carried out in the same manner as provided in Title 38, section

4.__Revenues; use.__Municipalities shall use the revenues
accrued from service charges levied pursuant to subsection 2 to
fund, as much as possible, the cost of fire protection.

Sec. 2. 30-A MRSA §3538, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 698, §2, is
amended to read:

§3538. Warrant for taxes; service charges

1. Warrant. The directors shall issue their warrant in the
same form as the warrant of the Treasurer of State for taxes,
with proper changes, to the assessors of the municipalities
comprising composing the district. The warrant must require the
municipalities to assess the sum allocated to each municipality
for payment of the costs of the district upon the taxable estates
within those municipalities and to commit their assessment to the
constable or collector of the municipalities. The constable or
collector has all the authority and powers to collect these taxes
as is vested by law to collect state, county and municipal taxes.
Within 30 days after the date fixed by the municipality on which
its taxes are due, the treasurer of the municipality shall pay
the amount of the tax assessed under this section to the
treasurer of the district.:

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