LD 1414
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Authorize Municipalities To Create Municipal Fire Districts LD 1414 Title Page
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LR 1217
Item 1

A.__Upon the taxable estates within those municipalities; or

B.__In accordance with a municipal fire district ordinance
enacted by a municipality pursuant to section 3158.

The municipalities shall commit their assessments to the
constables or collectors of the municipalities.__The constable or
collector has all the authority and powers to collect these taxes
or service charges as is vested by law to collect state, county
and municipal taxes.__Within 30 days after the date fixed by the
municipality on which its taxes are due, the treasurer of the
municipality shall pay the amount of the tax assessed under this
section to the treasurer of the district.

2. Failure to pay. If the treasurer of a municipality fails
to pay the sum assessed under this section, or fails to pay any
part of the sum by the date set in the year in which the tax or
service charge is levied, the treasurer of the district may issue
a warrant for the amount of the tax or service charge, or so much
of the tax as or service charge that remains unpaid, to the
sheriff of the appropriate county, requiring the sheriff to levy
the tax or service charge by distress and sale on real and
personal property of any of the inhabitants of the municipality.
The sheriff or a deputy shall execute the warrant.


This bill authorizes municipalities to create municipal fire
districts that may, by ordinance, charge service charges for fire
protection. The bill also amends a statute to authorize
municipalities to collect regional fire district service charges
in addition to taxes.

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