LD 1448
pg. 2
Page 1 of 7 An Act To Stabilize and Strengthen the MaineCare Program Page 3 of 7
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LR 1954
Item 1

before October 15, 2005.__Stamps indicating payment of the tax
imposed by this section must be affixed to all packages of
cigarettes held for resale as of October 15, 2005, except that
cigarettes held in vending machines as of that date do not require
that stamp.

3.__Vending machines.__Notwithstanding any other provision of
this chapter, it is presumed that all cigarette vending machines
are filled to capacity on October 15, 2005 and that the tax
imposed by this section must be reported on that basis.__A credit
against this inventory tax must be allowed for cigarettes stamped
at the rate of 97 mills per cigarette placed in vending machines
before October 15, 2005.

4.__Payment.__Payment of the tax imposed by this section must
be made to the State Tax Assessor by January 1, 2006, accompanied
by forms prescribed by the assessor.

Sec. A-4. 36 MRSA §4366-A, sub-§2, ¶¶B and C, as enacted by PL 2001, c.
439, Pt. SSSS, §3, are amended to read:

B. For stamps at the face value of 47 mills sold prior to
July 1, 2002, 2.16%; and

C. For stamps at the face value of 47 mills sold on or
after July 1, 2002, 2.03%.;

Sec. A-5. 36 MRSA §4366-A, sub-§2, ¶¶D and E are enacted to read:

D.__For stamps at the face value of 97 mills sold prior to
July 1, 2005, 1.62%; and

E.__For stamps at the face value of 97 mills sold on or
after October 15, 2005, 1.52%.

Sec. A-6. 36 MRSA §4366-D, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 450, Pt. D,
§1, is repealed.

Sec. A-7. Effective date. This Part takes effect October 15, 2005.


Sec. B-1. 22 MRSA §3174-GG is enacted to read:

§3174-GG.__MaineCare Stabilization Fund

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