LD 1448
pg. 3
Page 2 of 7 An Act To Stabilize and Strengthen the MaineCare Program Page 4 of 7
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LR 1954
Item 1

1.__Fund established.__The MaineCare Stabilization Fund,
referred to in this chapter as "the fund," is established as an
Other Special Revenue fund for the purposes specified in this

2.__Sources of fund.__The State Controller shall credit to the

A.__Revenues attributable to 50 mills for each cigarette
taxed pursuant to Title 36, section 4365-F;

B.__Revenues received by the State from financial
settlements or judgments entered into or ordered beginning
October 15, 2005 on lawsuits related to the MaineCare
program or the elderly low-cost drug program under section
254 to the extent possible under the terms of the settlement
or judgment;

C.__Revenues collected as a result of procedures adopted by
the department on October 15, 2005 to ensure the collection
of the full value of rebates owed to the department on
injectable prescription drugs that are provided in the
office of a physician or in another health care facility and
that are paid for by the MaineCare or elderly low-cost drug

D.__Funds distributed to the State under Title XXI of the
United States Social Security Act as unexpended federal
State Children's Health Insurance Program funds;

E.__Amounts recovered from or saved as a result of payment
by the United States Veterans' Administration under section
3174-HH, subsection 2;

F.__Money from any other source, whether public or private,
designated for deposit into or credited to the fund; and

G.__Interest earned or other investment income on balances
in the fund.

3.__Nonlapsing.__Any unexpended balances in the fund may not
lapse but must be carried forward.

4.__Fund purposes.__Allocations from the fund must prevent any
loss of services or increased cost of services to a MaineCare
member or a person receiving benefits under the elderly low-cost
drug program under section 254 that would otherwise result from
insufficient General Fund appropriations, insufficient federal
matching funds or any other shortage of funds, changes in federal
or state law, rule or policy or the implementation of the federal

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