LD 1462
pg. 14
Page 13 of 16 An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws Page 15 of 16
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LR 538
Item 1

It authorizes employees of the Department of Administrative
and Financial Services, Bureau of Revenue Services to represent
the bureau in District Court at arraignments for violation of any
criminal provision of the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 36.

It amends the definition of "tax" to include any amount
assessed by the State Tax Assessor under Title 36.

It establishes a civil penalty for persons who are required to
file returns electronically and who fail to do so.

It permits disclosure of confidential tax information to the
Department of Health and Human Services for purposes related to
the administration and collection of the new hospital tax and the
service provider tax.

It corrects the name of the state agency to which information
pertaining to the quality child care investment credit may
lawfully be disclosed.

It authorizes the Bureau of Revenue Services to provide copies
of pass-through entity tax returns to members, officers and
certain other related parties of the entity.

It permits the Bureau of Revenue Services to disclose whether
a person has been issued a resale certificate under the sales and
use tax law.

It authorizes the Bureau of Revenue Services to disclose to
the Department of the Secretary of State, Bureau of Motor
Vehicles or the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife,
Bureau of Administrative Services whether use tax has been paid
on a vehicle or recreational vehicle.

It clarifies the State Tax Assessor's authority to require
electronic filing of payroll taxes by payroll processors and
certain large employers.

It extends the period within which a municipality that has
experienced a sudden and severe disruption in its municipal
valuation may request an adjustment to its equalized valuation by
about 105 days. This will give municipal officials requesting an
adjustment due to sudden and severe disruption the same filing
period as that provided under current law for filing an appeal on
the equalized valuation or minimum assessing standards.

It clarifies that film production qualifies as production for
purposes of the sales and use tax law.

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