LD 1462
pg. 15
Page 14 of 16 An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws Page 16 of 16
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LR 538
Item 1

It amends the definition of "retail sale" to provide that
sales for resale are not retail sales when made to the holder of
a valid resale certificate or to an out-of-state retailer that is
not required to register as a seller in the State.

It makes the distribution of natural gas a taxable service
under the sales and use tax law. This will ensure consistency in
the taxation of charges for distribution of natural gas
regardless of whether they are bundled with the sale of the gas.

It extends the period for which a resale certificate is
effective from one year to 3 years.

It provides that a credit for sales tax paid by a retailer on
purchases for resale may be claimed on the return filed for the
period in which the tax was paid, rather than on the return filed
for the period in which the item was sold.

It decreases the period for requesting an off-road refund
under the gasoline tax law from 15 months to 12 months for
consistency with other similar provisions, clarifies that the 1¢
reduction in the reimbursement applies to each gallon of fuel and
that refund applications may be filed for other than monthly
periods and eliminates convoluted and archaic language.

It increases the period for requesting a common carrier refund
under the gasoline tax law from 9 months to 12 months for
consistency with other similar provisions.

It increases the period for requesting a common carrier refund
under the special fuel tax law from 9 months to 12 months for
consistency with other similar provisions.

It decreases the period for requesting an off-road refund
under the special fuel tax law from 15 months to 12 months for
consistency with other similar provisions and clarifies that the
1¢ reduction in the reimbursement applies to each gallon of fuel
and that refund applications may be filed for other than monthly

It requires nonresident taxpayers to include in Maine-source
income any winnings from wagering or gambling activities
conducted in Maine.

It clarifies that trusts and entities subject to the franchise
tax on financial institutions are not required to withhold Maine
income taxes from distributable Maine-source income of
nonresident members.

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