LD 1462
pg. 4
Page 3 of 16 An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws Page 5 of 16
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LR 538
Item 1

a sworn statement by the taxpayer, made under the penalties of
perjury, that the tax liability shown on the return is correct.

2. Electronic filing. The State Tax Assessor may allow or, as
provided in this subsection, require the filing of a return or
document by electronic data submission or by telephone.

A. In the case of an employer that submits returns in
accordance with section 5253 with respect to 100 or more
employees, whether the returns are submitted directly by the
employer or by a 3rd party on behalf of the employer, the
assessor may require that the returns be filed by electronic
data submission.

B. In the case of a payroll processor as defined in Title
10, chapter 222 that submits returns pursuant to section
5253 or Title 26, chapter 13, subchapter 7 for 100 or more
employers, the assessor may require that the returns be
filed by electronic data submission.

3. Payment by electronic funds transfer. The State Tax
Assessor may allow or, as provided in this subsection, require
the payment of a tax or the refund of a tax by electronic funds
transfer. An electronic funds transfer allowed or required by the
assessor pursuant to this subsection is considered a return. For
the purposes of this subsection, "tax" includes unemployment
insurance contributions required to be paid to the State pursuant
to Title 26.

A. In the case of a person that is liable for $200,000 or
more per year pursuant to section 5253 or for $400,000 or
more per year in payments of any other single tax type, the
assessor may require payment or refund of that tax by
electronic funds transfer.

B. In the case of a payroll processor as defined in Title
10, chapter 222, the assessor may require payment or refund
of taxes pursuant to section 5253 and unemployment insurance
contributions pursuant to Title 26, chapter 13, subchapter 7
by electronic funds transfer.

4. Adoption of rules. The State Tax Assessor may adopt rules
to establish procedures necessary to implement the provisions of
this section and shall adopt rules in the event that payment of
taxes by electronic funds transfer is mandated. Rules adopted
pursuant to this subsection are routine technical rules for the
purposes of Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

Sec. 9. 36 MRSA §208-A, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 688, §1, is
amended to read:

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