LD 1462
pg. 5
Page 4 of 16 An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws Page 6 of 16
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LR 538
Item 1

1. Request for adjustment. A municipality that has experienced a
sudden and severe disruption in its municipal valuation may request
an adjustment to the equalized valuation determined by the State
Tax Assessor under section 208. A municipality requesting an
adjustment under this section must file a petition, with supporting
documentation, with the State Tax Assessor by the August 1st
preceding the October 1st when municipalities are notified within
45 days following receipt of the annual notice of the proposed
valuations of municipalities within each county as required under
section 208.

Sec. 10. 36 MRSA §1752, sub-§9-B, as amended by PL 1997, c. 557, Pt.
D, §1 and affected by §4 and Pt. G, §1, is further amended to

9-B. Production. "Production" means an operation or
integrated series of operations engaged in as a business or
segment of a business that transforms or converts personal
property by physical, chemical or other means into a different
form, composition or character from that in which it originally
existed. "Production" includes film production.

"Production" includes manufacturing, processing, assembling and
fabricating operations that meet the definitional requisites,
including biological processes that are part of an integrated
process of manufacturing organisms or microorganic materials
through the application of biotechnology.

"Production" does not include biological processes except as
otherwise provided by this subsection, wood harvesting
operations, the severance of sand, gravel, oil, gas or other
natural resources produced or severed from the soil or water, or
activities such as cooking or preparing drinks, meals, food or
food products by a retailer for retail sale. The foregoing are
examples of activities that are not included within the term

Sec. 11. 36 MRSA §1752, sub-§11, as amended by PL 2003, c. 588, §3, is
further amended to read:

11. Retail sale. "Retail sale" means any sale of tangible
personal property or a taxable service in the ordinary course of
business for any purpose other than for resale, except resale as
a casual sale, in the form of tangible personal property.
"Retail sale" also means any sale of a taxable service in the
ordinary course of business for any purpose other than for
resale, except resale as a casual sale.

A. "Retail sale" includes:

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