LD 1526
pg. 105
Page 104 of 118 An Act To Enact the Uniform Parentage Act and Conforming Amendments and Additio... Page 106 of 118
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LR 134
Item 1

adult household member and, for the purposes of this chapter only,
includes individuals presently or formerly living together and
individuals who are or were sexual partners. Holding oneself out to
be a spouse is not necessary to constitute "living as spouses."
For purposes of this subsection, "domestic partners" means 2
unmarried adults who are domiciled together under long-term
arrangements that evidence a commitment to remain responsible
indefinitely for each other's welfare.


Sec. C-1. 18-A MRSA §2-109, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1987, c. 736,
§37, is further amended to read:

(2) In cases not covered by paragraph (1), a person born out
of wedlock is a child of the mother; that person is also a child
of the father if:

(i) The natural parents participated in a marriage ceremony
before or after the birth of the child, even though the
attempted marriage is void; or

(ii) The father adopts the child into his family; or

(iii) The father acknowledges in writing before a notary
public that he is the father of the child, or the paternity
is established by an adjudication before the death of the
father or is established thereafter by clear and convincing
proof, but the paternity established under this subparagraph
is ineffective to qualify the father or his kindred to
inherit from or through the child unless the father has
openly treated the child as his and has not refused to
support the child.;

Sec. C-2. 18-A MRSA §2-109, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 694, Pt.
C, §6 and affected by Pt. E, §2, is amended to read:

(3) A divorce or judicial separation does not bar the issue
of the marriage from inheriting.;

Sec. C-3. 18-A MRSA §2-109, sub-§§(4) to (10) are enacted to read:

(4) A child born to parents who have been parties to a
gestational agreement under Title 19-A, chapter 61, subchapter 8
is the child of the parents as determined pursuant to that

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