LD 1526
pg. 106
Page 105 of 118 An Act To Enact the Uniform Parentage Act and Conforming Amendments and Additio... Page 107 of 118
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LR 134
Item 1

(5)__A child born by means of assisted reproductive technology
is the child of the parents whose parentage is determined
according to Title 19-A, chapter 61, subchapter 7.__Such
parentage may be determined by the Probate Court after the death
of the child or the parent if it has not been previously
established by court order;

(6) A child who has been determined by a court to have one or
more de facto parents is the child of the de facto parent or
parents. Such child is also the child of the child's natural or
adoptive parents if the child would have been the child under
subsection (1) or (2) without the determination of de facto

(7) If a child has been determined by a valid judgment to have
one or 2 parents under the Uniform Parentage Act, the parent or
parents determined under that Act are the child's parents for
purposes of inheritance;

(8) If a child could have been determined to be the child of
one or more parents under the Uniform Parentage Act but such
determination has not been made by valid judgment that became
final before the death of the person whose estate is being
distributed under the laws of intestacy, a post-death
determination of parentage under the Uniform Parentage Act may be
made by the Probate Court using the standards that would have
applied during the life of the decedent;

(9) If a child could have been determined to be the child of
de facto parents under the common law but such determination has
not been made by valid judgment that became final before the
death of the person whose estate is being distributed under the
laws of intestacy, a post-death determination of de facto
parentage under the common law may be made by the Probate Court
using the standards that would have applied during the life of
the decedent, except that if a de facto parent is seeking to
inherit from a child under the de facto parentage, then the case
must be proved by clear and convincing evidence. A child
determined under this subsection to have de facto parents is also
the child of the natural or adoptive parents if the child would
have been the child under subsection (1) or (2) but for the
determination of de facto parentage; and

(10) Under this section, a child may not inherit from more
than 4 parents or their kin, and no more than 4 parents or their
kin may inherit from a child. If a child is determined to have
more than 2 parents under this section or if the child is
determined to have 2 parents of same gender, then the moiety
system does not apply, and the court shall determine heirs in an
equitable manner with persons of the same degree of kinship or

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