LD 1526
pg. 83
Page 82 of 118 An Act To Enact the Uniform Parentage Act and Conforming Amendments and Additio... Page 84 of 118
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LR 134
Item 1

uncertain. If gestational agreements are voided or criminalized,
individuals determined to become parents through this method will
seek a friendlier legal forum. This raises a host of legal issues.
For example, a couple may return to their home state with a child
born as the consequence of a gestational agreement recognized in
another state. This presents a full faith and credit question if
their home state has a statute declaring gestational agreements to
be void or criminal.

Despite the legal uncertainties, thousands of children are
born each year pursuant to gestational agreements. One thing is
clear; a child born under these circumstances is entitled to have
its status clarified. Therefore, NCCUSL once again ventured into
this controversial subject, withdrawing USCACA and substituting
bracketed Article 8 of the new UPA. The article incorporates many
of the USCACA provisions allowing validation and enforcement of
gestational agreements, along with some important modifications.
The article is bracketed because of a concern that state
legislatures may decide that they are still not ready to address
gestational agreements, or that they want to treat them
differently from what Article 8 provides. States may omit this
article without undermining the other provisions of the UPA

Article 8's replacement of the USCACA terminology, "surrogate
mother," by "gestational mother" is important. First, labeling a
woman who bears a child a "surrogate" does not comport with the
dictionary definition of the term under any construction, to wit:
"a person appointed to act in the place of another" or "something
serving as a substitute." The term is especially misleading when
"surrogate" refers to a woman who supplies both "egg and womb,"
that is, a woman who is a genetic as well as gestational mother.
That combination is now typically avoided by the majority of ART
practitioners in order to decrease the possibility that a
genetic\gestational mother will be unwilling to relinquish her
child to unrelated intended parents. Further, the term
"surrogate" has acquired a negative connotation in American
society, which confuses rather than enlightens the discussion.

In contrast, term "gestational mother" is both more accurate
and more inclusive. It applies to both a woman who, through
assisted reproduction, performs the gestational function without
being genetically related to a child, and a woman is both the
gestational and genetic mother. The key is that an agreement has
been made that the child is to be raised by the intended parents.
The latter practice has elicited disfavor in the ART community,
which has concluded that the gestational mother's genetic link to
the child too often creates additional emotional and
psychological problems in enforcing a gestational agreement.

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