LD 1526
pg. 85
Page 84 of 118 An Act To Enact the Uniform Parentage Act and Conforming Amendments and Additio... Page 86 of 118
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LR 134
Item 1

§1971.__Gestational agreement authorized

1.__Written agreement.__The intended parents and prospective
gestational mother, her husband if she is married, a donor or the
donors may enter into a written agreement that provides:

A.__The prospective gestational mother is at least 21 years
of age and agrees to pregnancy by means of assisted

B.__The prospective gestational mother, her husband if she
is married and the donors relinquish all rights and duties
as the parents of a child conceived through assisted
reproduction; and

C.__The intended parent or parents become the parents of the

2.__Intended parents.__The intended parent or parents must be
parties to the gestational agreement.

3.__Enforceable if validated.__A gestational agreement is
enforceable only if validated as provided in section 1973.

4.__Child conceived by sexual intercourse.__A gestational
agreement does not apply to the birth of a child conceived by
means of sexual intercourse.

5.__Consideration.__A gestational agreement may provide for
payment of consideration and reimbursement of costs.

6.__Decision of gestational mother.__A gestational agreement
may not limit the right of the gestational mother to make
decisions to safeguard her health or that of the embryos or


(This is section 801 of the UPA.)

Source: USCACA §§ 1(3), 5, 9.

The previous uniform act on this subject, USCACA, proposed two
alternatives, one of which was to declare that gestational
agreements were void. Subsection (a) rejects that approach. The
scientific state of the art and the medical facilities providing
the technological capacity to utilize a woman other than the
woman who intends to raise the child to be the gestational
mother, guarantee that such agreements will continue to be
written. Subsection (a) recognizes that certainty and initiates a
procedure for its regulation by a judicial officer. This section

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